The night he confessed his love

By now the whole house is clouded by the sweet aroma
It’s almost seven and she is dead tired
The aroma illuminating through the hallway is the evidence
Of the hard work put in through the evening

He said he would come over
Had an important issue to discuss
The joy of hosting him in her house
Was why she forgot to ask what for

The clock strikes 7:30 and the doorbell goes
A little adjusting of the dress, and the door opens
Ushering him into the lavender scented living room
A bottle of champagne in one hand, roses on the other

She sets the gifts on the mahogany table
And sits next to her guest, hands crossed to the bosom
It’s hardbut gad to be done, so he reaches for her palm
Looks her straight in the eye, and the message is conveyed

Published by Cardio97

As a gay man living in Africa, I have experienced first-hand the tribulations and the pain of being gay in a society that is deeply rooted in spirituality and cultural values. As a psychologist and a victim of homophobia and gay hopelessness, I only pray that you find closure on this blog. Lemme be your voice, and a beacon of hope.

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