Today being the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia, I only find it wise to do an article that touches on the struggles we go through as gay, bi, and trans individuals when we come out, or when the people close to us learn of our sexual identities. I want to share an intimateContinue reading “IDAHOBIT SPECIAL”

At Crossroads: HIV Prevalence Among Gay Youths

YOUR IDENTITY AS A BRAND FORWARD: This is the first part of a two-part series I will be doing on sexual identity, finding one’s footing in the Kenyan gay community and the prevalence of HIV and AIDS. Just recently, my boyfriend and I discovered that his younger brother is gay and is on the journeyContinue reading “At Crossroads: HIV Prevalence Among Gay Youths”

Mahlih; The Two-Spirit Persona

FORWARD: Very little is known of the two spirit, a term officially created in 1990 specifically to distinguish the Native American people from non-Natives. Before then, the anthropological term “berdache” had been effective of the phenomenon for centuries, dare I say.  The modern term “two spirit” was meant to culturally celebrate individuals who are bothContinue reading “Mahlih; The Two-Spirit Persona”

Coming Out to My Family (Story Time)

I have come to realize that most of you guys think I have had an easy life. You have this idea in your heads that I have a perfect relationship, financial stability, great supporting family, and amazing straight friends who love me for who I am. I speak a lot about me being openly gayContinue reading “Coming Out to My Family (Story Time)”